When should I engage a Project Manager for my upcoming ERP project?
Although the ERP software vendor (systems integrator) will provide a project manager, it is critical that you engage an independent consulting Project Manager for your ERP project, to represent your interests, at the very beginning—before you even select the software or vendor.
A top-tier independent consulting Project Manager will help you make those important initial decisions. An independent PM is entirely neutral regarding which software package is selected for the project or which vendor/systems integrator is engaged, and will make recommendations based on your needs, and in your best interest. An independent PM accepts no side payments for making recommendations, and has no business alliances that color recommendations. An independent PM works for you, and represents your interests.
I’ve heard that many ERP projects have major problems, and many fail. Is that true?
An industry review of all ERP transformation projects reveals that many encounter serious problems during implementation, with 1/3 suffering major setbacks and cost overruns, and another 1/3 failing to reach Go-Live.
To ensure a successful ERP transition—which essentially means coming in on time and on budget—it is critical to engage the services of an independent consulting Project Manager who will 1) develop a detailed Project Plan and reasonable budget for the project, and 2) adhere strictly to industry standards and methodologies during the implementation phases of your project. This is how you can ensure your project's success.
How can I know which Project Manager I should select for my project?
There are many levels of project managers. At one end of the spectrum are those that hold a clipboard and check off completed items. At the other end are tenured professionals who develop a detailed Project Plan, and who affirmatively take the reins of the project and ensure that all of the providers and stakeholders are fully informed about the details of the project, and that assignments are being planned and executed according to best industry methodologies.
The Project Manger that is right for you will have many years of successful experience, will be trained and practiced in accepted PMI methodologies, and will have several successful ERP implementations completed.
Which ERP software is right for my company?
There are many ERP software packages available for organizations to centralize all of their disparate processes. Although many software providers assert that their package is a one-size-fits-all solution, that is generally not the case.
Your business is unique. Your independent consulting Project Manger should be selected before any other decisions are reached, and should assess your business and its operational needs before a software package is selected. It is critical to choose the software that most closely matches your business operations and processes, to minimize the number of changes that must be made to the software, or to your processes.
Which software vendor is right for my project?
There are many ERP software vendors and systems integrators available to help you centralize all of your disparate systems into a centralized software. Many vendors tend to over-promise, and under-deliver. Many will present you with their "A" team during the selling process, but show up with their "C" team when they start your project.
Your business is unique. Your independent consulting Project Manger should be selected before any other decisions are reached, and should assess your business and its operational needs before a vendor is selected. It is critical to choose a vendor with years of successful experience implementing ERP systems for businesses like yours and with a proven track record for working successfully with top-tier independent consulting Project Managers.